"Many common practices of fraternity men after pledging can promote sexual aggression. These include videotaping, photographing, or merely observing through peepholes or windows a brother having sex with a woman."
- "Many common practices of fraternity men after pledging can promote sexual aggression. These include videotaping, photographing, or merely observing through peepholes or windows a brother having sex with a woman. Most fraternity houses have collections of pornographic magazines and videos. Sexual contests are common among fraternity men. At the most benign, the contest may simply be 'notch' contests over who has sex with the greatest number of women. A step up in victimizing and objectifying women, as well as alienating men from their own sexuality, are 'pig contests,' also called 'hog contests,' in which a man wins by having sex with the woman the group considers most unattractive."
--O'Sullivan, in Transformaing a Rape Culture, 29.
"Like other men in the sex offender group, David was reluctant to place blame for his actions on anything or anyone, but he described pornography as 'the primary stepping-stone that I took to sexually acting out.' He used the concept of boundary violations in his life.
'. . . pornography was a way to begin violating people's boundaries. And it kind of went from there. Where, like when you look at somebody engaging in sex, I think it's a violation of boundaries. That is something that should be private. So, it's like I gave myself permission to voyeur on them. And the more I did that, the more liberties I took to actually act that stuff out . . . it's like pornography and I (slapping his hands together), we got bound somehow. And I ended up taking permission over a long period of time to violate boundaries, and I think pornography was the beginning of that violation.'"
--Robert Jensen, "Pornographic Lives," Violence Against Women. 1.1(March 1995): 50.
Also check out FREEDOM FROM PORNOGRAPY Though we don't agree politically with all the links, this is the most comprehensive compilation of anti-pornography sites we've seen on the internet.