Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST)
The Sexual Addiction Screening
Test (SAST) is designed to assist in the assessment of sexually compulsive
or "addictive" behavior. Developed in cooperation with hospitals,
treatment programs, private therapists, and community groups, the SAST
provides a profile of responses which helps to discriminate between addictive
and nonaddictive behavior. To complete the test, answer each question by
circling the appropriate yes or no answer.
Yes No
Were you sexually abused as a child or adolescent?
Yes No
Have you subscribed or regularly purchased sexually explicit magazines
like Playboy, or Penthouse?
Yes No
Did your parents have trouble with sexual behavior?
Yes No
Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts?
Yes No
Do you feet that your sexual behavior is not normal?
Yes No
Does your spouse (or significant other(s)) ever worry or complain about
your sexual behavior?
Yes No
Do you have trouble stopping your sexual behavior when you know it is inappropriate?
Yes No
Do you ever feel bad about your sexual behavior?
Yes No
Has your sexual behavior ever created problems for you or your family?
Yes No
10. Have
you ever sought help for sexual behavior you did not like?
Yes No
11. Have
you ever worried about people finding out about your sexual activities?
Yes No
12. Has
anyone been hurt emotional because of your sexual behavior?
Yes No
13. Are
any of your sexual activities against the law?
Yes No
14. Have
you made promises to yourself to quit some aspect of your sexual behavior?
Yes No
15. Have
you made efforts to quit a type of sexual activity and failed?
Yes No
16. Do
you have to hide some of your sexual behavior from others"
Yes No
17. Have
you attempted to stop some parts of your sexual activity?
Yes No
18. Have
you ever felt degraded by your sexual behavior?
Yes No
19. Has
sex been a way for you to escape your problems?
Yes No
20. When
you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards?
Yes No
21. Have
you felt the need to discontinue a certain form of sexual activity?
Yes No
22. Has
you sexual activity interfered with your family life?
Yes No
23. Have
you been sexual with minors?
Yes No
24. Do
you feel controlled by your sexual desire?
Yes No
25. Do
you ever think your sexual desire is stronger than you are?
More on Sexual Addiction
and Pornography
Sex-Magazine Circulation. Interesting as the work
of Kutchinsky and Court is, we have had the benefit of receiving a body
of correlation evidence of far greater power. The research of Baron and
Strauss (1984. 1985) supplemented by others, has shown a strong statistical
relationship between state-by-state reported-rape rates. That relationship
persists even when every other factor theoretically associated with rape
is controlled for: indeed, they found that the Sex Magazine Circulation
Index has a consistently stronger statistical relationship with rape rates
than any other factor tested. (21) Further, in the model developed by Baron
and Strauss other variables theoretically expected to be related to rape
rates in fact met expectations: those factors (e.g. percent urban, percent
poor) together with the Sex Magazine Circulation Index explain 83 percent
of state-to-state variation in rape rates. (22) Two independent studies,
by Scott (1985) and Jaffee and Strauss (1986) have not only replicated
the Baron and Strauss results for different years, but have cast doubt
on potential "third factors" which would make the sex-magazine/rape
association spurious. Baron and Strauss offered two such factors as possibilities:
(1) a cultural pattern emphasizing "compuis: ** masculinity";
and (2) the degree of "sexual openness" within states. The first
of those suggestions was undercut by Scott's finding that circulation of
men's "outdoor magazines" is not associated with state-by-state
rape rates. In addition, Baron and Strauss found that controlling for the
"index of legitimate violence" and the general violent-crime
rate -- both seemingly plausible measure of a culture of "compulsive
masculinity" -- in no way lessened the sex magazine/rape correlation.
Nor did controlling for measures of the status of women -- a plausible
inverse measure of the degree of "compulsive masculinity" within
a given state. Finally, the recent work of Check (1984) and Zillman and
Bryant (1984. 1985) indicates that under experimental conditions, massive
exposure to mainstream pornography may cause male viewers to become more
callous and domineering in their attitudes toward women. Thus pornography
may itself be a causal factor in creating a culture of "compulsive
masculinity," and even if a correlation could be shown between such
a culture and the incidence of rape, the association of the latter with
sex-magazine circulation would still not be proved spurious.
As for the other "third factor" suggested
-- the degree of "sexual openness" -- the recent study of Jaffee
and Strauss (in press) measured the impact of the Sexual Liberalism Index
of the Baron and Strauss formulae. While finding that sexual openness and
tolerance is correlated, to a small but significant degree, with increases
in reported rape rates, Jaffee and Strauss discovered the inclusion of
the new index had no effect at all on the sex-magazines/rape association.
While continuing to hold out hope -- against all the evidence mentioned
in the previous paragraph -- that a relationship between "hypermasculine
gender roles" and rape rates would render the sex-magazine correlation
spurious, they felt compelled to conclude that their research "suggests
that there may be more to the pornography-rape linkage than originally
expected. This is, the type of material found in mass circulation sex magazines
may, as claimed by critics of such material, encourage or legitimate rape."
Rape is not natural to men. If it were, most men
would be rapists and they are not. None the less, the answers given by
the male college students who participated in the Ms. Study delineate a
sobering incidence of sexual aggression and assault in a predominantly
middle-class, educated population....About 8 percent of the men surveyed
had raped or attempted to rape a woman sometime since the age of 14. Of
those questioned, 75 percent said they had never forced any unwanted sexual
act on a woman.
The rapists differed from the nonassaultive
males in several ways. They drank one or two times a week and became drunk
one to three times a month--more than the rates for non-rapists--and
were more likely to describe their family backgrounds as quite strict,
with family violence (parents hitting children or each other) occurring
once or twice a month.
Sexual values also differed. The rapists
said they talked daily with their friends about "how a particular
woman would be in bed" and they rated as "very frequently"
how often they read Playboy, Penthouse, Chic, Club,
Forum, Gallery, Genesis, Oui, or Hustler
I Never Called it Rape, "Men Who Rape
Women They Know", Chapter 6... (AUTHOR)