This is a letter Smith wrote to the University of Carolina after they invited Nadine Strossen, president of the American Civil Liberties Union, to speak about pornography, wherein she insisted on spreading the same tired inaccuracies and myths about pornography's first amendment protection, denounced any, and all, feminist actions against pornography, and basically promoted pornography as a healthy part of human sexual behavior.

March 12, 1996

Carolina Union Activities Board
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Dear Board Members:
          Thank you for your thoughtful letter and prompt response. I appreciate the many demands on your time and energy. You mentioned that Ms. Strossen told you that she had debated with me on NPR, the issue of censoring pornography prior to this most recent local radio program. She was mistaken. Last month was the first opportunity I have had to speak with her. I also don't debate or advocate censorship. I discuss pornography as a public health problem and human rights issue. This may be a small example of her factually incorrect information, but reinforces why I continue to have serious concerns about her as an unopposed spokesperson on this complex and controversial issue.
          Ms. Strossen's presentation at UNC included her characterizing the work of her targeted opponents, Catharine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin. She freely used labels like 'pro-censorship feminists' without any qualification and read their works out of context and interpreted their meaning and intent.
          Do you and the committee members feel any obligation to allow MacKinnon or Dworkin an opportunity to respond? What are your concerns about the freedom of expression for those mischaracterized? What about extending principles of academic freedom to those with opposing views in matters of significant controversy? Would it not be in the best interest of the university population to present both sides of this critical social issue so individuals can make their decisions from a more accurately informed basis?
          There was no forum or significant debate at the Strossen presentation I attended. A general audience, even in a university setting, simply does not have the background information to challenge her distortions and propagandistic arguments. That's why I'm, writing again, to repeat my appeal to invite MacKinnon or Dworkin to a union sponsored event.
          Thank you for your consideration.

Linnea W. Smith, M.D.

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