Excerpted version of a letter written by Playboy representative Gary Cole to the University of North Carolina Sports Information Director Rick Brewer on February 19, 1987

Dear Rick:

"While I'm new at the job of being Playboy's Sports Editor, I have worked with Anson* for several years and I know about some of the recent history between Playboy and North Carolina's basketball program. Obviously, you and I and Coach and Mrs. Smith may not share the same views about Playboy, society and God. I do want to tell you that I am a good family man, that I'm concerned about the problems of society and that I have no moral qualms about working for Playboy. ...
      ...I think the magazine is making genuine attempts to positively affect society, things like the discredited Reisman report notwithstanding. Playboyhas published three major articles already in 1987 that discourage the indiscriminant use of drugs .... We're working with the NFL right now on the first of a series of print anti-drug ads to run in our magazine. We just initiated the Anson Mount Scholar/Athlete Award to call attention to the importance of academics in the life of the young athlete. The magazine throughout its history has championed a variety of worthwhile causes.
      I understand there are parts of our magazine with which not all people are comfortable. I'll admit to you that there are a couple of editorial positions the magazine takes today that I do not agree with. But our society is a pluralistic one. And few institutions whether they be in government, business or education are all black or all white. And we all have the right of freedom of choice. I would hope that North Carolina's Basketball Program would consider again extending that right to its athletes. If an athlete is chosen to the team and chooses not to attend because of his own personal religious or other convictions, so be it. But let it be his choice." ...

Sincerely, Gary Cole Sports Editor


After some media attention about Playboy's glamorization of drug use, they undertook a mass mailing of this letter to those in college athletics" Linnea Smith. The following is reprinted in full.

April, 1987

Dear Sports Professional,

Drug and alcohol abuse has affected every sector of American society without regard to education, occupation, economic status, race, sex or age. But its most tragic toll is exacted on the youth of our country who, instead of beginning their journey towards finding a fulfilling life, fall into career and personality-destroying habits that can maim or even kill them. When the young person addicted to drugs or alcohol also happens to be a talented athlete, the tragedy is made more poignant.
      The May 1987 issue of Playboyfeatures 'Drugs: Where We Stand,' an editorial statement of the magazine's position on drug use and abuse, and 'Addiction and Rehabilitation,' an in-depth article that focuses on the disease aspects of addiction, and what can be done to treat those whose experimentation with drugs has led to addiction. Both articles, plus an updated version of our informative Drug Chart, are contained in the enclosed reprint entitled 'The Dangers of Drugs.' We hope you will make this reprint available to the people in your organization--coaches, trainers and athletes alike. Bulk copies can be obtained at a minimal cost by writing to:---DELETED----.
      We believe that the crisis of drug addiction calls for the availability of more thorough information and education than ever before. Playboy is proud to be a part of that effort.

Gary Cole
Sports Editor [Identified by Playboyas their Photography Director]

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