A Picture's Worth a Thousand Sexist Words

Playboy January, 1988-pg 176

"Although the magazines (Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler) editorially suggested they fulfilled a need for sex education, marriage was modeled as repugnant while wives (fat-ugly) were commonly cartooned as copulating with the family dog or other beast-in all three publications.

Moreover, sexual harassment in the workplace, out-of-wedlock pregnancy and rape of women and children were uniformly cartooned as humorous. Whereas child sex with same-age and older children was rare in the magazines...when compared to sex with adults...venereal disease...AIDS, herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea scenes were entirely negligible."

--Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., "Child Pornography in Erotic Magazines," in Media, Children, and the Family, 315.

Playboy Feb., 1993-pg 155