version of a letter to the American Football Coaches Association Members
and the Board of Trustees, July 21, 1986, by Linnea Smith. This letter
calls on the AFCAA to disaffiliate with Playboy and other pornographic
Dear Board of Trustees and Members
of the American Football Coaches Association:
"Because of your leadership role
nationally in collegiate athletics as a board member of the American Football
Coaches Association, I am writing this letter requesting your time and
consideration of the possible ramifications of the association of college
athletic programs with Playboymagazine. As our society continues
to be increasingly bombarded with sexually explicit mass media, it is very
easy for all of us to become desensitized to the harmful effects, especially
for our youth, of the sexual and social messages conveyed by these publications.
I was extremely pleased to learn from Coach McClendon that you had initiated
re-evaluation of this association during your June meeting in Dallas. I
have been impressed by the readiness of many coaches and athletic programs
to critically assess this issue. ...
Currently the
athletic community and general public are stunned and outraged at the sudden,
tragic deaths due to cocaine intoxication of two healthy young athletes.
It is critical at this time that leaders within the athletic programs intensify
drug abuse preventative and educational measures.
No matter how
intensive an anti-drug campaign is, it cannot be effective unless the mainstream
media that glamorizes and promotes illicit drug use is confronted. Billion
dollar industries have played a substantial role in perpetuating the myth
of risk-free 'recreational' drug consumption.
For almost
two decades Playboyhas been popularizing the idea that drug consumption
is expected or normal. The magazine focuses on 'recreational' use while
ignoring or trivializing potential harmful effects. In addition, the Playboy
Foundation has contributed substantially to organizations lobbying for
decriminalization of 'recreational' drugs, including cocaine and marijuana.
Rejection is essential and urgently needed of all media that gives positive
drug information to a society with a drug problem of epidemic proportions.
It is important
to let players know this is a serious social consideration, to educate
them, and include them in a collective decision-making process. The players
should be informed that any decision was not made arbitrarily, or without
serious consideration with input from the most recent content analysis
and research. If a decision is reached to discontinue any association with
Playboy, this decision should not be viewed as a withholding of
a desirable goal, but as a necessary step while taking seriously individual
and collective responsibility for positive social change. ...
I would like
to share with you recommendations that were presented to the Board of Directors
of the National Association of Basketball Coaches . They were meant only
as a starting point, for you as members are more familiar with the operating
policies of your organizations. You may also wish to formulate independently
individual and/or institutional policies.
I am hopeful you will consider the following
1) ... Resolve to
take an official and public stand against collegiate football players and
coaches appearing in Playboy magazine; ... maximize access to general
media to explain your reasons for this decision as an important part of
a drug abuse educational program.
2) ... Identify
representatives from six different institutions to request that the NCAA
consider official legislation regarding this matter. ...Recommendations
... could include the prohibition of student-athlete's acceptance of revenue
for travel, room or board expenditures to appear in sexually explicit erotic/pornographic
publications that currently publish or have a history of publishing any
one of the following:
A. The sanctioning
of adult/child sexual exploitation or the depiction of children as appropriate
sexual partners. Any sexualization of children is a precondition for child
sexual abuse.
B. The sanctioning
or providing of positive information on any form of illicit drug consumption.
This includes publications with foundations that contribute to efforts
to decriminalize 'recreational' drugs, including cocaine and marijuana.
C. The depiction
of explicit sexual activity associated with violence (including implied
or imminent aggression), coercion, degradation, submission, domination,
or humiliation.
3) That the Board
recommend to the NCAA to implement, in cooperation with the AFCA and the
NABC, broader drug educational programs that include rejection of popular
media that promotes 'recreational' drug consumption as well as educational
programs that include critical viewing skills of sexually explicit material.
Videotape programs and workshops which include coaches and athletes addressing
these issues as well as social science and medical professionals could
impact on the athletic community as well as the general public.
I apologize for including some disturbing
depictions, but I have found that it is very difficult for me to make a
point as effectively by talking about the material only in the abstract.
Linnea W. Smith, M.D.